“Mostly she taught by the courage of her own life, which to me is the highest form of teaching.” ~Alice Walker
Expose Encourage Engage
The best teachers expose students to new intellectual possibilities; encourage them to think deeply about both content and context; and engage them in creative ways. I am drawn to teaching because of the possibility for intellectual exchange; the opportunity to mentor and contribute to students’ intellectual and academic growth; and the satisfaction of knowing I have played a role in the development of informed, global citizens.
As a Public Historian in Residence at American University, I teach the following classes:
- History 729: Public History Seminar
- History 668: African American Digital History
The following are classes I have taught in the past:
- In Motion: African Americans in the US
- Narrating Black Women’s Resistance
- Get in Formation: Black Protest Music
- The Civil Rights Movement
- Sex and the City: Gender, Culture and Politics in 20th Century Urban America
- Public History: Community Engagement
- Historical Methods